Right from the televisions to the lighting in our homes, everything is powered by electricity. Just like air and water, electricity plays a major role in our daily life and how the world operates. However, things can go wrong anytime, leading to power failures or short circuits. This is really dangerous and can cause serious damage to your appliances as well injuries to you and your family members.
It’s really important to stay alert and make sure the electrical system in our home is working fine. In case, there is any abnormality or issue, you must call an emergency electrician right away. In this post, we’ll read about some situations and signs in which you must call an electrician.
Signs to Call An Emergency Electrician
Some electrical issues can wait but most of them should be handled immediately. By taking prompt action and calling for professional help right away, you can prevent big accidents from taking place. Always be alert and aware for the following signs:
Circuit Breakers Keep Tripping Frequently
A circuit breaker stops the flow of electricity when there is an overload to prevent damage to your house. If the circuit breaker is tripping frequently, it clearly means that the demand of power at your home is higher than what the system can handle safely.
This can happen because of multiple high-power appliances, faulty gadgets taking up excess power, or issues in your home’s wiring system. If you ignore this and allow the circuit breaker to trip again and again, it will lead to wear and tear and the circuit breaker will fail to function. Call an electrician in Sans Souci right away if this happens.
Dimming or Flickering Lights
During a power outage or extreme weather like storms, lights can flicker. However, if lights flicker or get dim without any clear reason, you should call an electrician because there can be a problem in your home’s electrical system. Undetected loose connections, circuit overload, faulty wiring, or something else may be the issue.
It’s also possible that the power demand is high and you need to upgrade the electrical system to handle it. If there is regular flickering or dimming of lights, do call an electrician to check it.
Burning Smell Around the House
Most of the time, a burning smell around the house indicates faulty electrical wiring and you should not neglect it at any cost. It may be because of faulty outlets, overheated wires, or something else which could lead to major issues if not addressed promptly.
If there is a burning smell around your home, make sure to contact an electrician to look at it. This is an urgent warning sign and its very important to deal with it right away.
Black or Brown Marks Around Power Outlets
When there are black or brown marks around the power outlets in your home, it shows that the outlets are overloaded and heated. If you plug in any appliance into an overheated plug, it will lead to sparking and the appliance will stop working.
Moreover, overheated and black plugs also signify burnt wiring which is really bad for your home’s electrical system. If you ever notice brown and black marks around power outlets, make sure to call an emergency electrician to check it out and solve the issue.
Sparking When You Plug in Appliances
Sometimes, a spark is common when you plug in an appliance to a power outlet and it happens for a split second. This happens when the conductors inside the circuit and about to touch and light blue sparks appear.
However, the issue is when there are bigger sparks and they last for more than a split second. Also, the colors of these sparks are yellow or white and they indicate underlying problems in the electrical system. The sparking may be due to improper installation or overload. If you experience this, call an electrician to look at this problem.
Power Goes Out Frequently
It is really frustrating when the power goes out and the appliances at your home stop working. Sometimes, it is inevitable and caused due to extreme weather conditions, car accidents, and wiring issues. The first thing you should do is go out and see if the power is down for everyone or is it just in your home.
In case of the latter or if you experience regular power cuts, calling an electrician is the right option. Maybe your electrical system is getting overloaded or there is a problem in the wiring. A professional will identify the issue and solve it so that there are no major accidents in the future.
Electricity is one thing which you should not compromise or take lightly. It is really helpful and vital, but it is equally dangerous if not dealt with right away. Every single gadget or appliance at your home runs through electricity.
If you notice any of the above signs mentioned in the above post, make sure to call an electrician in Sans Souci immediately. Neglecting such problems can lead to short circuits or house fires, so be quick and decisive in dealing with them.